sycl vector add example

在安装好SYCL和ComputeCpp环境之后,按照codeplay发布的Hello SYCL步骤,想要通过测试最简单的向量加法来测试本地开发环境。结果总是Build完成之后遇到Runtime error, 具体参考Issue #230。不得不说同行们的效率还是挺高,在较短的时间内给与了回复,不仅指出了出错原因,也指明了当前Hello SYCL存在的问题。为community维护的社区程序员点赞!




1)使用ssh命令登录时候,添加-L选项重定向port 6006到本地端口16006

$ ssh -L 16006: olivier@my_server_ip


tensorboard --logdir=/logpath
# log with the default 6006 port



cs179/GPU Machine Learning and cuDNN II

The use of Graphics Processing Units for rendering is well known, but their power for general parallel computation has only recently been explored. Parallel algorithms running on GPUs can often achieve up to 100x speedup over similar CPU algorithms, with many existing applications for physics simulations, signal processing, financial modeling, neural networks, and countless other fields.
This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA’s parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.

Problem sets will cover performance optimization and specific GPU applications such as numerical mathematics, medical imaging, finance, and other fields.

Course Link

cs179/GPU Machine Learning and cuDNN I

The use of Graphics Processing Units for rendering is well known, but their power for general parallel computation has only recently been explored. Parallel algorithms running on GPUs can often achieve up to 100x speedup over similar CPU algorithms, with many existing applications for physics simulations, signal processing, financial modeling, neural networks, and countless other fields.
This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA’s parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.

Problem sets will cover performance optimization and specific GPU applications such as numerical mathematics, medical imaging, finance, and other fields.

Course Link

cs179/GPU cuBLAS and Graphics

The use of Graphics Processing Units for rendering is well known, but their power for general parallel computation has only recently been explored. Parallel algorithms running on GPUs can often achieve up to 100x speedup over similar CPU algorithms, with many existing applications for physics simulations, signal processing, financial modeling, neural networks, and countless other fields.
This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA’s parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.

Problem sets will cover performance optimization and specific GPU applications such as numerical mathematics, medical imaging, finance, and other fields.

Course Link

cs179/GPU Reductions, FFT

The use of Graphics Processing Units for rendering is well known, but their power for general parallel computation has only recently been explored. Parallel algorithms running on GPUs can often achieve up to 100x speedup over similar CPU algorithms, with many existing applications for physics simulations, signal processing, financial modeling, neural networks, and countless other fields.
This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA’s parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.

Problem sets will cover performance optimization and specific GPU applications such as numerical mathematics, medical imaging, finance, and other fields.

Course Link

cs179/GPU Programming Shared Memory

The use of Graphics Processing Units for rendering is well known, but their power for general parallel computation has only recently been explored. Parallel algorithms running on GPUs can often achieve up to 100x speedup over similar CPU algorithms, with many existing applications for physics simulations, signal processing, financial modeling, neural networks, and countless other fields.
This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA’s parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.

Problem sets will cover performance optimization and specific GPU applications such as numerical mathematics, medical imaging, finance, and other fields.

Course Link

cs179/GPU Programming Introduction

The use of Graphics Processing Units for rendering is well known, but their power for general parallel computation has only recently been explored. Parallel algorithms running on GPUs can often achieve up to 100x speedup over similar CPU algorithms, with many existing applications for physics simulations, signal processing, financial modeling, neural networks, and countless other fields.
This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA’s parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.

Problem sets will cover performance optimization and specific GPU applications such as numerical mathematics, medical imaging, finance, and other fields.

Course Link