AWK和sed作为Linux文本解析神器,早就该进行总结,今天看到coolshell博客,总结的很好,特地做此记录。AWK来源于1977年的贝尔实验室。之所以叫AWK是因为其取了三位创始人 Alfred Aho,Peter Weinberger, 和 Brian Kernighan 的Family Name的首字符。要学AWK,就得提一提AWK的一本相当经典的书《The AWK Programming Language》.
AWK和sed作为Linux文本解析神器,早就该进行总结,今天看到coolshell博客,总结的很好,特地做此记录。AWK来源于1977年的贝尔实验室。之所以叫AWK是因为其取了三位创始人 Alfred Aho,Peter Weinberger, 和 Brian Kernighan 的Family Name的首字符。要学AWK,就得提一提AWK的一本相当经典的书《The AWK Programming Language》.
The use of Graphics Processing Units for rendering is well known, but their power for general parallel computation has only recently been explored. Parallel algorithms running on GPUs can often achieve up to 100x speedup over similar CPU algorithms, with many existing applications for physics simulations, signal processing, financial modeling, neural networks, and countless other fields.
This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA’s parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.
Problem sets will cover performance optimization and specific GPU applications such as numerical mathematics, medical imaging, finance, and other fields.
This quarter we will also cover uses of the GPU in Machine Learning.
Labwork will require significant programming. A working knowledge of the C programming language will be necessary. Although CS 24 is not a prerequisite, it (or equivalent systems programming experience) is strongly recommended.
Compute bound: computationally intensive, the time involved in the computation is much longer than I/O operation, e.g. linear and conv. Memory bound: the time involved in I/O operation is bigger.
vscode 提供了哪些开放能力?
从 vscode 的官网中我们可以看到,vscode 主要提供了六类开放能力:通用能力、主题、声明类语言特性(我把它称为基础支持)、程序类语言特性(高级支持)、工作区UI扩展、调试。我们开发 vscode 插件,实际上就是在通过这些能力对 vscode 进行扩展。这六类能力具体包括的功能和使用场景可以看下图。
该方法源自知乎网友,方法简称“328计划”:每天练2组,每组8个动作,每周至少锻炼3次,坚持2周以上,就可以看到效果啦。首先要知道的是没有局部瘦的概念,瘦指的就是瘦全身,当体脂率降到一定程度,腰自然也就瘦了。简单来说就是通过调整饮食,打开热量缺口,先瘦下来,然后辅助一点腹部肌肉训练增加肌肉塑型。减肥的原理就是摄入热量 < 消耗热量。而基础消耗就占了人体的70%,从饮食开始调整,运动会事半功倍。